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December 31, 2002

General corporative events of 2002

On February 21 the session of the Inter-regional working group of the Sibirtelecom OJSC has taken place. Agenda:
- the analysis of existing Regulations on a payment and awarding bonuses of workers of the joining companies of telecommunication of the Siberian region;
- the analysis of long-term financial investments;
- the analysis of the existing station equipment.
On March 4 at the enlarged session of the Ministry on Communication and Information Board the report of the General director of the Sibirtelecom OJSC Nikulin A.I. has been heard. The subject of the report was " About a course of reorganization of the telecommunication companies of Siberia "
Since March 12 the shares of the Sibirtelecom OJSC were included into the Quoted sheet of 2-nd level of the Russian Trading System.
Passage of listing through RTS is corresponds to the new status of Sibirtelecom OJSC company as the center of association of the telecommunication companies of Siberia, as well as reflects growth of liquidity of shares. Thus, during January, February and the first decade of March 2002 the stock turnover of the company in RTS has exceeded 33 % of a total turnover of 2001.
Sibirtelecom OJSC is among the best tax-payers of 2001
Ministry Administration of the Russian Federation on taxes and tax collections of the Novosibirsk Region has presented honorable diplomas "The Best Tax-payer of the Year" from over 71 enterprises of various fields of activity. Sibirtelecom OJSC was named among students.
On March 29 at session of Board of Directors the decision on carrying out on June 7, 2002 of the annual general shareholders meeting was accepted.
Participation of the Sibirtelecom OJSC in the International exhibition CeBIT-2002 (Hanover)
On April 16 decision of satisfaction of the Sibirtelecom OJSC’s petition on joining to it of 10 operators of telecommunication of the Siberian Federal District was accepted by the Ministry of the Russian Federation on Antimonopoly Policy and Support of Business.
On April 18 the road-show program (New York, London) of 4 telecommunication companies included to holding " Svyazinvest " has successfully come to the end:
"Northwest Telecom ", " Uralsvyazinform ", the Sibirtelecom OJSC and " Tsenrtelecom”.
The information on re-structuring of affiliated companies was submitted to investors, as well as the regional companies were presented.
On April 26 at Board of Directors of the Sibirtelecom OJSC the agenda of annual common meeting of shareholders, which will take place on June 7, 2002, was approved.
On April 27 the regular contract between the Sibirtelecom OJSC and Belgian firm Alcatel on delivery of switching equipment S-12 and SDH was signed. The new equipment will allow increasing the total capacity of a city network by 44416 numbers and 320 subscribers of ISDN.
On April 30 the press conference has taken place: Sibirtelecom OJSC: New forms of servicing ".
Within the program of expansion and modernization of the telephone system on May 18 the Sibirtelecom OJSC and Alcatel have signed the contract on delivery of digital systems of switching Alcatel.
According to terms and conditions of the signed contract, Alcatel company will supply the Sibirtelecom OJSC with the system of switching in the total user's capacity of 65 thousand ports, control systems of switching (Switching Management Center) and SDH equipment in the volume corresponding to additional capacity of network Alcatel 1000 S12, as well as system of network management.
Modernization of a network will allow the Sibirtelecom OJSC to give the subscribers in Novosibirsk and other large cities of the Novosibirsk area modern, high-quality services of communication.
On May 31 the General Manager of International Scientific and Technical Center Liby Morgan Douglas has visited Sibirtelecom OJSC company with the purpose of acquaintance to leaders of the company and prospect of possible cooperation
On June 07 the Annual Assembly of Shareholders of the Sibirtelecom OJSC has taken place.
On July 25 within the ADR program the Sibirtelecom OJSC company was visited by representatives of bank - depositary JPMorgan Chase Bank
On August 29 at the Board of Directors of the Sibirtelecom OJSC the new structure of Board of the company was confirmed.
Participation of the Sibirtelecom OJSC in the Baikal Economic ForumOn September 17-20 in the city of Irkutsk.
On October 28-29 the conference of Inter-regional group on development of marketing strategy of Sibirtelecom OJSC company has taken place in Novosibirsk. This conference became the first meeting of the Siberian experts in marketing within the project «Development of marketing strategy of ?R?», experts of 10 regional companies of telecommunication have taken part in it.
On October 29 the conference of heads of economic, financial and accounting services of the attached companies has held in Novosibirsk, on the basis of the Sibirtelecom OJSC has. There have been considered:
- The scheme of the organization of money streams in the consolidated company;
- The plan - schedule of actions of the completion phase of reorganization;
- The general principles of organization of payment in branches.
The notice on the state registration of capital issues was received. These securities are distributed by converting in them of securities of the telecommunication companies of Siberian Region, attached to the Sibirtelecom OJSC . Registration was carried out according to the order of Federal Commission on Securities of Russia ? 1331/? of 25.10.2002.
On November 6 "Sibirtelecom OJSC” company has started in Novosibirsk provision of SibDSL commercial services. The direct supplier of ADSL-access in the Internet is the Novosibirsk City Telephone Station (NGTS), which serves more than 350 thousand of the telephone subscribers.
On November 30 the Sibirtelecom OJSC has finished converting of shares of the telecommunication companies of Siberian Region attached to itself. Converting of shares of the regional telecommunication companies into share of Sibirtelecom OJSC has taken place simultaneously with procedure of liquidation of these companies as independent legal persons and their abandonment from the state register of the enterprises. The regional companies are reorganize to the status of Branches of the Sibirtelecom OJSC
The first stage of modernization of the regional network of data transmission in the Novosibirsk Region was completed.
On December 24, 2002 the Board of Directors of the Sibirtelecom OJSC has made the resolve to call extraordinary assembly of shareholders of the Company on a problem of purchase: - 49 % of shares of the Yeniseitelecom Joint-Stock Company, the leading cellular operator of GSM-900/1800 standard in Krasnoyarsk Territory and Republic of Khakassia, for 12,5 million US dollars; - 49 % of shares of the Baikalvestcom Joint-Stock Company, the leading cellular operator of GSM-900/1800 standard in Irkutsk Area, for 8,5 million US dollars. The extraordinary assembly of shareholders was solved to carry out in the correspondence form. Results of assembly of shareholders will be sum up on February 12, 2003.
Participation of the Sibirtelecom OJSC in the International Exhibition Telecom-Asia-2002 (Hong Kong)
According to the order of the Federal Commission on Securities of Russia of December 27 ?1856/?, registration of reports on results of capital issue of the Sibirtelecom OJSC (distributed by converting the share of ten joint-stock companies attached to the Sibirtelecom OJSC ) was carried out.


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