The "Elastic Ltd" Factory has launched production of a new model of jogging shoes.
The factory products - sports joggers, top-boots for women and children - were always in demand with users in different regions of Russia. Once, it even performed the order of the USSR national football team for training shoes. The new model of jogging shoes, fifth in a row, surpasses in much the previous ones as regards both configuration and design, successfully competing in the domestic market with Chinese jogging shoes. That is proved by the sale information from Byelorussia, Siberia, Ural. Footwear production at "Elastic Ltd" was set twenty years ago and was part of NKNK Inc. At early 90's, The "Elastic Ltd" Factory was let to independent economic activities. But without the support of a strong patron who having given an economic independence would have helped in providing feedstock, the factory undergoes difficulties and is willing to rejoin the base company. A well-known firm could have produced a specialty working clothes for each petrochemical production facility.
Press Service NKNK Inc