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December 13, 2012

Gazprom Management Committee awards 2012 Science and Technology Prize

The Management Committee has awarded the Gazprom 2012 Science and Technology Prize to the author teams of the following research projects:

  • Development and implementation of a process safety evaluation system and diagnostic equipment complex to extend the safe lifecycle of all types of gas wells at underground storage facilities. The research paper took the first place. It was represented by Gazprom UGS.
  • Development and implementation of an engineering solutions complex and regulatory support to demolish Gazprom's radiation hazardous facilities and mitigate the risk of radioecological impact on humans and environment (by the example of the Vega facility, Astrakhan gas condensate field). The research paper took the second place. It was represented by Podzemgazprom.
  • Development, manufacture and industrial implementation of process facilities to carry out geophysical surveys and operations in gas, oil and gas condensate wells with high wellhead pressure under difficult geological and production conditions. The paper was represented by Georesource.
  • AGCF equipment anticorrosive protection using nanostructured metal coating applied through gas-thermal spraying. The paper was represented by Gazprom Dobycha Astrakhan. The research was conducted in cooperation with RUSNANO as part of the Program to boost demand for innovative and, inter alia, nanotech products in the gas industry.
  • Development and implementation of a skid package process complex to secure the operating reliability in treatment of gas from the Achimov deposits. The paper was represented by TsKBN Gazprom.
  • Information support of the corporate control system of the Astrakhan gas condensate field gas production facilities technical state. The paper was represented by Gazprom Gaznadzor.
  • Development and implementation of highly-automated process facilities based on partially-manned technologies for natural gas production, treatment and transmission. The paper was represented by Gazprom Dobycha Noyabrsk.
  • Development and implementation of the MLPC-20 mobile laser process complex to eliminate blowouts at gas and oil wells. The paper was represented by Gazprom Gazobezopasnost.
  • Development and implementation of highly compatible packaged equipment with unified automation systems for gas metering stations. The paper was represented by Gazprom Transgaz Moscow.
  • Comprehensive overhaul of electrically driven compressor stations, applying partially-manned technologies and cutting-edge technical solutions based on the principles of reliability and economy. The paper was represented by Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk.

The total cost saving effect of the papers exceeded RUB 4.4 billion.


The Gazprom Science and Technology Prize has been awarded since 1998.

In 2012 Gazprom's subsidiaries named 26 papers to participate in the event. The total number of authors reached 228 persons.

The papers were assessed by the expert group composed of experts from Gazprom and its subsidiaries. The experts focused their attention on relevance, novelty, sci-tech level (research intensity) of papers, scale and economic efficiency for Gazprom, commercialization opportunities, the share of domestic materials, technologies and equipment use.

In 2011 Gazprom and RUSNANO approved the Program to boost demand for innovative and, inter alia, nanotech products in the gas industry.

The paper entitled “The AGCF equipment anticorrosive protection using nanostructured metal coatings applied through gas-thermal spraying” is a result of successful cooperation between Gazprom Dobycha Astrakhan and RUSNANO-owned project company Plakart. Cooperation resulted in elaborating the procedure and organizing the commercialization of gas-thermal spraying of nanostructured metal coatings for the Astrakhan Gas Processing Plant facilities operating in aggressive sulfurous environments. The designed technology enabled the application of coatings without having to demount large-scale equipment and secured long-term erosion and corrosion resistance of the Astrakhan GPP process facilities.




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