Moscow, 3 September 2004. On Sunday 5 September the Chairman of the Management Board of RAO "UES of Russia" Anatoly Chubais flies to Sidney, Australia, to take part in the 19th World Energy Congress*, which will take place on 5-9 September 2004.
During the Congress, Anatoly Chubais will act as moderator at the plenary session "Markets, Geopolicy, and Energy Security". He will also meet the President of the Union of the Electricity Industry EURELECTRIC Hans Haider, the Board Chairman of Canada's energy company Hydro-Quebec and Head of the World Energy Council Andre Caille.
* The World Energy Congress is held every three years under the auspices of the World Energy Council. The Congress is traditionally attended by chief executives of energy industry leaders, officials from government and regulatory authorities, major energy consumers, research and development and environmental organizations from over 90 countries of the world to address the issues and prospects of the global energy industry.