The powerman has been managing the engineering service of the power station for more than 30 years. He was awarded the honour for the effective contribution to modernization of the main power equipment on the basis of state-of-the-art achievements, ensuring the efficiency increase and SDPP reliability.
Nizhneturinsk SDPP is the first station of high pressure in the Ural, located in Serovo-Bogoslovsk Node area. All the boiler units of the station were transferred to usage of gas, at that there was still the opportunity to use coal within the production process. The modernization of convection heating surfaces of boilers with usage of highly efficient ribbed pipes allowed decreasing of the heat losses, having increased the efficiency of energy production. The introduction of intensive irrigation mode and emulsifier of the new generation increased the efficiency of ash collecting up to 99%, what had a positive impact on the environment. These and other innovations were introduced by the technical services of the station, being under the direction of David Klipenshtein. He participated in other dozen of rationalization proposals with the economic effect of 850 thousand rubles.
It is not the first time when TGC-9 powermen join the ranks of the advanced engineering corps of Middle Ural. 11 specialists of the Company became the laureates of Cherepanov award. It means that the innovators found recognition every year of this award’s existence.